The Screener Plus tool can show the following data fields for your screener results. The Sectors screener has its own set of columns, which you can see in the Sectors topic.
Basic | |
Symbol | The identifying symbol for the item in the Watch List. This column cannot be removed or moved within the Watch List. |
Description | Company name or description of item |
Sector | GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) sector classification |
Industry | GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) industry classification |
Sub-Industry | GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) sub-industry classification |
Market Cap |
Market value of all of a company's outstanding shares TIP: Enter Market Cap value in millions. For instance, to screen for stocks with a market cap of greater than a billion, set the filter to "Market Cap" is "greater than" "1000". |
Exchange | Exchange on which the security is listed |
Dividend | Dividends paid by company over last 12 months in dollars per share |
Dividend Yield | Dividends paid by company over last 12 months as a % of Previous Close |
Last Trade | Last trade price as of the screen's last update |
Open | Opening price for the day |
Prev Close | Closing price from previous market session |
Reported Close | Close price reported by exchange |
High | Highest price the security has reached that day as of the screen's last update |
Low | Lowest price the security has reached that day as of the screen's last update |
Bid | Current inside bid price as of the screen's last update |
Ask | Current inside ask price as of the screen's last update |
Bid Size | The quoted size of the inside bid price as of the screen's last update |
Ask Size | The quoted size of the inside ask price as of the screen's last update |
% Held by Institutions | Percentage of outstanding shares held by institutional investors |
Volume | Number of shares/contracts the security has traded for the day |
Avg Vol 5 Day |
Average volume for the stock over the last 5 days |
Avg Vol 20 Day |
Average volume for the stock over the last 20 days |
Avg Vol 1 Month |
Average volume for the stock over the last month |
Avg Vol 6 Months |
Average volume for the stock over the last 6 months |
Avg Vol YTD |
Average volume for the stock since the beginning of the calendar year |
% Vol Over Yesterday's Vol | Difference between current Volume and yesterday's volume, expressed as a percentage |
% Vol Over 5 Day Avg Vol | Difference between current Volume and the average volume for the last 5 days, expressed as a percentage |
% Vol Over 20 Day Avg Vol | Difference between current Volume and the average volume for the last 20 days, expressed as a percentage |
% Vol Over 1 Mo Avg Vol | Difference between current Volume and the average volume for the last month, expressed as a percentage |
% Vol Over 6 Mo Avg Vol | Difference between current Volume and the average volume for the last 6 months, expressed as a percentage |
% Vol Over YTD Avg Vol | Difference between current Volume and the YTD average volume, expressed as a percentage |
Avg $ Vol 5 Day | The 5 day average volume in dollars (not including today) |
In S&P 500 | Indicates whether the stock is part of the Standard and Poor's 500 Index |
In S&P Mid Cap 400 | Indicates whether the stock is part of the Standard and Poor's Mid Cap 400 Index |
In S&P Small Cap 600 | Indicates whether the stock is part of the Standard and Poor's Small Cap 600 Index |
Analyst Ratings | |
SER | Schwab Equity Rating evaluates individual stock and provides a 5 point rating scale (A, B, C, D, F) indicating Schwab's outlook on the potential performance of the stock over the coming 12 months. More on Schwab Equity Ratings |
S&P Stars |
S&P's fundamental analysis and evaluation of the short-term (6-12 month) appreciation of potential stocks.
S&P Earning & Dividend Ranking |
Measures the historical growth and stability of a company's earnings and dividends for the past 10 years. The ranking system has various grades:
So as not to be biased by future expectations, the rankings are based on past events only. The S&P Ranking System does not use earnings and dividend estimates. An S&P ranking is not a recommendation to buy or sell the stock of a company. S&P common stock rankings should not be confused with debt quality ratings. |
% Recommend Buy | Percentage of Buy recommendations from analysts covering the issue |
% Recommend Buy - Hold | Percentage of Buy-Hold recommendations from analysts covering the issue |
% Recommend Hold | Percentage of Hold recommendations from analysts covering the issue |
% Recommend Hold - Sell | Percentage of Hold-Sell recommendations from analysts covering the issue |
% Recommend Sell | Percentage of Sell recommendations from analysts covering the issue |
Recommend Num | Total number of recommendations from analysts covering the issue |
Recommendation Avg | Average recommendations from analysts covering the issue (1.0 = Buy, 5.0=Sell) |
Company Performance | |
Net Income | Gross sales minus taxes, interest, depreciation, and other expenses |
Revenue | Total dollar amount collected for goods and services provided |
Earnings | Revenues minus cost of sales, operating expenses, and taxes over a given period of time |
Shares Outstanding | Number of shares of a corporation that have been issued |
EPS (ttm) | Earnings Per Share (trailing twelve month) shows net income divided by the average number of shares outstanding for a company for the last 12 months |
EPS (Latest) | Earnings Per Share shows net income divided by the average number of shares outstanding for a company for the current fiscal year |
EPS (Yr-0) | Earnings Per Share shows net income divided by the average number of shares outstanding for a company for the last fiscal year |
EPS (Yr-1) | Earnings Per Share shows net income divided by the average number of shares outstanding for a company for the last fiscal year minus 1. |
EPS (Yr-2) | Earnings Per Share shows net income divided by the average number of shares outstanding for a company for the last fiscal year minus 2. |
EPS (Yr-3) | Earnings Per Share shows net income divided by the average number of shares outstanding for a company for the last fiscal year minus 3. |
EPS (Yr-4) | Earnings Per Share shows net income divided by the average number of shares outstanding for a company for the last fiscal year minus 4. |
% 5 Yr Projected Growth Rate | Compounded earnings growth rate projected for the next five years based on the last actual reported annual earnings and estimated consensus growth rates as provided by I/B/E/S |
% Margin | Net income for the latest reported full fiscal year (including discontinued operations, but before adjustments for dividends or extraordinary items) divided by net sales and other operating revenues for the latest full fiscal year. |
Sales Per Employee | Sales for the latest fiscal year divided by the number of employees, expressed as dollars per employee. |
Price Performance | |
Change | Change in the price from the previous day's Close expressed as a point value (updated at 6 a.m. Eastern Time) |
% Change | Change in the price from the previous day's Close expressed as a percentage (i.e. difference between Close and Current Price, divided by Close) (updated at 6 a.m. Eastern Time) |
Chg (Open) | Change in the price from the Open expressed as a point value |
% Chg (Open) | Change in the price from the Open expressed as a percentage (i.e. difference between Open and Current Price, divided by Open) |
Gap | Difference between most recent open and close prices expressed as a point value (Open - Close) |
% Gap | Difference between most recent Open and Close prices expressed as a percentage (100*(Open-Close)/Close) |
Chg from Beg of Mo Open | Difference between the beginning of the month open price and the Last Trade as of the screen's last update |
Chg from Beg of Yr Open | Difference between the beginning of the year open price and the Last Trade as of the screen's last update |
Chg from 5 day Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last five days and the Current Price expressed as a point value |
% Chg from 5 day Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last five days and the Current Price expressed as a percentage (i.e. difference between 5 Day Avg Close and Current Price divided by 5 Day Avg Close) |
% Chg from 6 Day Close | Change from the close price 6 days ago to the Last Trade as of the screen's last update, expressed as a percentage |
Chg from 20 day Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last 20 days and the Current Price expressed as a point value |
% Chg from 20 day Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last 20 days and the Current Price expressed as a percentage (i.e. difference between 20 Day Avg Close and Current Price divided by 20 Day Avg Close) |
Chg from 1 Mo Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last month and the Current Price expressed as a point value |
% Chg from 1 Mo Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last month and the Current Price expressed as a percentage (i.e. difference between 1 Month Avg Close and Current Price divided by 1 Month Avg Close) |
Chg from 6 Mo Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last 6 months and the Current Price expressed as a point value |
% Chg from 6 Mo Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last 6 months and the Current Price expressed as a percentage (i.e. difference between 6 Month Avg Close and Current Price divided by 6 Month Avg Close) |
Chg from YTD Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last year and the Current Price expressed as a point value |
% Chg from YTD Avg Close | Difference between the average close for the last year and the Current Price expressed as a percentage (i.e. difference between YTD Avg Close and Current Price divided by YTD Avg Close) |
% Total Return (YTD0) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the beginning of the current fiscal year to the most recent full week of the fiscal year |
% Total Return (YTD1) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the period covering the most recent fiscal year |
% Total Return (YTD2) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the period covering the most recent 2 fiscal years |
% Total Return (YTD3) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the period covering the most recent 3 fiscal years |
% Total Return (YTD4) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the period covering the most recent 4 fiscal years |
% Total Return (YTD5) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the period covering the most recent 5 fiscal years |
% Total Return (3 Mo) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the period covering the most recent fiscal quarter |
% Total Return (6 Mo) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the period covering the 2 most recent fiscal quarters |
% Total Return (9 Mo) | Rate of return representing the price appreciation of a stock with cash dividends reinvested on the pay date from the period covering the 3 most recent fiscal quarters |
% Return on Equity | Net income including discontinued operations but before extraordinary items, expressed as a % of common shareholders' equity for the most recent fiscal year. Generally used as a measure of management effectiveness. |
% Return on Assets | Net income including discontinued operations but before extraordinary items, expressed as a % of total assets for the most recent fiscal year. Used in industry analysis as a measure of asset-use efficiency. |
Beta Value | Indicates the volatility of a stock's price, with dividends reinvested, relative to the overall market. The S&P 500 stock price index is used as a benchmark for the "overall market." A beta greater than 1.0 indicates higher volatility relative to the overall market. |
Daily High Count | Number of times a new High has been reached today |
Daily Low Count | Number of times a new Low has been reached today |
High Prev Day | Highest price the stock has traded in the previous trading day |
High 5 Day | Highest price the stock has reached over the last five days (not including today) |
High 20 Day | Highest price the stock has reached over the last 20 days (not including today) |
High 1 Mo | Highest price the stock has reached over the last month (not including today) |
High YTD | Highest price the stock has reached over the last year (not including today) |
High 52 Week | Highest price a stock as reached in the past 52 weeks (not including today) |
High 52 Wk - Daily High | Shows the distance between the 52 Week High and the Daily High (i.e., if the stock's 52 week high is 45 and the daily high is 42, this column will show a 3) |
Low Prev Day | Lowest price the stock has traded in the previous trading day |
Low 5 Day | Lowest price the stock has reached over the last five days (not including today) |
Low 20 Day | Lowest price the stock has reached over the last 20 days (not including today) |
Low 1 Mo | Lowest price the stock has reached over the last month (not including today) |
Low YTD | Lowest price the stock has reached over the last year (not including today) |
Low 52 Week | Lowest price a stock as reached in the past 52 weeks (not including today) |
Low 52 Wk - Daily Low | Shows the difference between the 52 Week Low and the Daily Low (i.e., if the stock's 52 week low is 7 and the daily low is 8, this column will show a 1) |
Trading Range | The trading range for the current day, i.e. the difference between High and Low |
% Chg of Range from High | Difference between the daily High and the Last Trade as a percentage of the Trading Range for the day |
% Chg of Range from Low | Difference between the daily Low and the Last Trade as a percentage of the Trading Range for the day |
Relative Strength | Measures each stock's price performance compared to all other companies in the S&P universe on a rolling 13-week basis |
[SMA 15 Day - Last Trade ] (%) | The difference between the 15 day Simple Moving Average value and the Last Trade, expressed as a percentage |
High - Last Trade | The difference between High and Last Trade |
Low - Last Trade | The difference between Low and Last Trade |
Metrics | |
P/E (ttm) | Ratio of a company's previous close to earnings over the last 12 months |
P/E Ratio (Latest Actual) | Ratio derived by dividing closing stock price by most recent actual fiscal year earnings per share. Negative P/E ratios are not considered meaningful and are therefore not displayed |
P/E Ratio (Estimated) | Ratio derived by dividing closing stock price by latest consensus estimate. Negative P/E ratios are not considered meaningful and are therefore not displayed |
Relative P/E Ratio | Company's Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) P/E ratio relative to (divided by) the TTM P/E ratio of the S&P 500 |
Price/Book Ratio | Most recent price per share divided by most recent equity per share |
P/S Ratio | Price-to-Sales ratio shows a stock's capitalization divided by its sales over the previous 12 months |
Dividend Payout Ratio | The percentage of annual earnings paid out in dividends. Calculated by dividing the Dividend by EPS (ttm) |
Long Term D/E | Total long term debt for the most recent fiscal year divided by total equity for the same period |
Technicals | |
SMA 10 Day | Average of the last 10 days' close values (including today). If the market hasn't closed yet, it uses the current price for today's close. |
SMA 15 Day | Average of the last 15 days' close values (including today). If the market hasn't closed yet, it uses the current price for today's close. |
SMA 20 Day | Average of the last 20 days' close values (including today). If the market hasn't closed yet, it uses the current price for today's close. |
SMA 50 Day | Average of the last 50 days' close values (including today). If the market hasn't closed yet, it uses the current price for today's close. |
SMA 60 Day | Average of the last 60 days' close values (including today). If the market hasn't closed yet, it uses the current price for today's close. |
SMA 100 Day | Average of the last 100 days' close values (including today). If the market hasn't closed yet, it uses the current price for today's close. |
SMA 120 Day | Average of the last 120 days' close values (including today). If the market hasn't closed yet, it uses the current price for today's close. |
SMA 200 Day | Average of the last 200 days' close values (including today). If the market hasn't closed yet, it uses the current price for today's close. |
EMA 15 Day | While similar to the SMA above, the exponential moving average uses a "smoothing factor" to give more weight to recent prices, while still allowing all data in the 15-day window to influence the average. |
EMA 20 Day | While similar to the SMA above, the exponential moving average uses a "smoothing factor" to give more weight to recent prices, while still allowing all data in the 20-day window to influence the average. |
EMA 50 Day | While similar to the SMA above, the exponential moving average uses a "smoothing factor" to give more weight to recent prices, while still allowing all data in the 50-day window to influence the average. |
EMA 60 Day | While similar to the SMA above, the exponential moving average uses a "smoothing factor" to give more weight to recent prices, while still allowing all data in the 60-day window to influence the average. |
EMA 100 Day | While similar to the SMA above, the exponential moving average uses a "smoothing factor" to give more weight to recent prices, while still allowing all data in the 100-day window to influence the average. |
EMA 120 Day | While similar to the SMA above, the exponential moving average uses a "smoothing factor" to give more weight to recent prices, while still allowing all data in the 120-day window to influence the average. |
RSI 10 Day | Relative Strength Index indicates the degree of positive and negative movements by the stock on a scale of 0 (weakest) to 100 (strongest). Determined by figuring the ratio of the average up closes for the last 9 days (using today's Current Price for the 10th day) divided by the sum of the average up closes and the average down closes for the same period. This ratio is multiplied by 100. |
RSI from Close 10 Day | Relative Strength Index indicates the degree of positive and negative movements by the stock on a scale of 0 (weakest) to 100 (strongest). Determined by figuring the ratio of the average up closes for the last 10 days (not including today if prior to close) divided by the sum of the average up closes and the average down closes for the same period. This ratio is multiplied by 100. |
RSI 30 Day | Relative Strength Index indicates the degree of positive and negative movements by the stock on a scale of 0 (weakest) to 100 (strongest). Determined by figuring the ratio of the average up closes for the last 29 days (using today's Current Price for the 30th day) divided by the sum of the average up closes and the average down closes for the same period. This ratio is multiplied by 100. |
RSI from Close 30 Day | Relative Strength Index indicates the degree of positive and negative movements by the stock on a scale of 0 (weakest) to 100 (strongest). Determined by figuring the ratio of the average up closes for the last 30 days (not including today if prior to close) divided by the sum of the average up closes and the average down closes for the same period. This ratio is multiplied by 100. |
RSI 50 Day | Relative Strength Index indicates the degree of positive and negative movements by the stock on a scale of 0 (weakest) to 100 (strongest). Determined by figuring the ratio of the average up closes for the last 49 days (using today's Current Price for the 50th day) divided by the sum of the average up closes and the average down closes for the same period. This ratio is multiplied by 100. |
RSI from Close 50 Day | Relative Strength Index indicates the degree of positive and negative movements by the stock on a scale of 0 (weakest) to 100 (strongest). Determined by figuring the ratio of the average up closes for the last 50 days (not including today if prior to close) divided by the sum of the average up closes and the average down closes for the same period. This ratio is multiplied by 100. |
DM (DI+) Positive 14 Day | The basic Directional Movement trading system involves comparing the 14-day +DX ("Directional Indicator") and the 14-day -DX. This can be done by plotting the two indicators on top of each other or by subtracting the +DX from the -DX. The study indicates buying when the +DX rises above the -DX and selling when the +DX falls below the -DX. |
DM (DI-) Negative 14 Day | The basic Directional Movement trading system involves comparing the 14-day +DX ("Directional Indicator") and the 14-day -DX. This can be done by plotting the two indicators on top of each other or by subtracting the +DX from the -DX. The study indicates buying when the +DX rises above the -DX and selling when the +DX falls below the -DX. |
DM (DX) 14 Day | The Directional Movement study indicates the strength of a trend, independent of whether that trend is up or down. The study combines several components: +DX measures upward moves, -DI measures downward moves, DX combines +DX and -DX, and ADX is a smoothed version of DX. |
DM Average (ADX) 14 Day | Assesses the strength of the current trends in a stock's movement, as well as helping point out when a market may be changing from trending to non-trending and vice versa. ADX is calculated by taking a modified moving average of DX. |
%K | Along with %D, is part of a stochastic indicator. Shows the price level of a stock in relation to its price range over a given period. |
%D | Along with %K, is part of a stochastic indicator. Shows the degree of smoothing, or moving average period, of %K. |
%D Slow | Similar in principle to %D above, except tends to show less market "noise" due to increasing the number of periods used in the calculation. |
Bollinger Band® (Top) | The Middle line of a Bollinger Band is a simple moving average. The Top and Bottom lines are placed n-standard deviations above and below the centerline. Since standard deviations are a measure of volatility, the bands widen during volatile price action and contract when the trading range tightens. |
Bollinger Band® (Middle) | The Middle line of a Bollinger Band is a simple moving average. The Top and Bottom lines are placed n-standard deviations above and below the centerline. Since standard deviations are a measure of volatility, the bands widen during volatile price action and contract when the trading range tightens. |
Bollinger Band® (Bottom) | The Middle line of a Bollinger Band is a simple moving average. The Top and Bottom lines are placed n-standard deviations above and below the centerline. Since standard deviations are a measure of volatility, the bands widen during volatile price action and contract when the trading range tightens. |
MACD | Trend-following momentum indicator that uses three exponential moving averages: a short or fast average, a long or slow average, and an exponential average of their difference, the last being used as a signal or trigger line. |
MACD Signal | Typically used in conjunction with the MACD indicator above. |
Momentum 20 Day | Measure the amount that a security's price has changed over the last 20 days. If today hasn't closed yet, it uses current price for today's close. |
Momentum from Close 20 Day | Measured the amount a security's price has changed over the last 20 closes. |
Momentum 40 Day | Measure the amount that a security's price has changed over the last 40 days. If today hasn't closed yet, it uses current price for today's close. |
Momentum from Close 40 Day | Measured the amount a security's price has changed over the last 40 closes. |
Momentum 60 Day | Measure the amount that a security's price has changed over the last 60 days. If today hasn't closed yet, it uses current price for today's close. |
Momentum from Close 60 Day | Measured the amount a security's price has changed over the last 60 closes. |
Money Flow | Money Flow keeps a running total of the money flowing into and out of a security. The direction of the Money Flow line is an important component to watch, not the actual dollar amount. This unit can be used to confirm underlying strength or weakness of a price trend. |
Money Flow Percent | Money Flow Percent is also called Chaikin Money Flow. It normalizes the Money Flow calculation above by dividing the cumulative volume for the period. |
Williams %R | Measures the percentage to which a stock is overbought or oversold based on the position of the current period's close to the range of prices over a period of time. |
General | |
Notes | If a symbol in the Screener tab has a note associated with it in the Notes tool, the Notes icon ![]() |
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